B Strong BFR bands were recently featured in Outside Magazine for "The Best Home Gym Gear of 2022".
Check out this excerpt from the article:
"Life is crazy enough with work, family, and everyday responsibilities. Tacking on the commute to and from a crowded gym can sap the motivation from even the most dedicated athlete. Setting up your own space removes a huge barrier to training. The more likely you are to work out, the more you’ll move the needle on your health and performance. After thorough tests, we chose the equipment here for its simplicity, versatility, and functionality so you can squeeze in a gym-quality sweat—if not better—without leaving the house.
B Strong BFR Training System
Blood-flow restriction involves pumping up arm or leg bands to limit circulation during exercise, triggering a range of training adaptations. B Strong’s system uses pneumatic, elastic bands to eliminate the risk of full arterial occlusion, so anyone can safely reap the benefits (with an instruction from the company’s site)."
Outside Magazine - The Best Home Gym Gear of 2022