Stories from B-Strong Community

Greatest Bands Ever!

Matt W, DPT

These bands are the one tool I wish I had since from the beginning of my career based on the consistency of great results and ease of application. I use the bands every day in my clinic!

Scientifically Proven Results

Scientifically Proven Results

  • Strength increase 18.4% with LL-BFR training following 16 weeks of BFR.
  • Strength increased 15.9% in back squat with adolescents after 12 sessions over 6 weeks of BFR training
  • Muscle size increased by 20.3% following 16 weeks of LL- BFR
  • GH Levels reached 290x resting levels following BFR exercise.
  • VO2 max of ~2% to 4% occurred following 3 weeks of walking BFR training.

The Training System Relied Upon by Elite Athletes, Fitness Enthusiasts, Those With Limited Mobility, and Wellness Practitioners Alike

Mark Wahlberg


"I get results. I'm getting twice the pump in half the time and more results like I've been working twice as hard. I'm now all trained to be an adventure racer, [in reference to his role in Arthur The King, 2017] I had to step up! B Strong baby."