BFR combined with 20%1RM exercise increased peak plasma GH in young adults after one session more than traditional resistance training performed at 80%1RM.
Manini et al. 2012
• This study examined the effects of lower body resistance exercise combined with blood flow restriction.
• 10 young men and 10 older men (>60 years old) performed bilateral knee extensions with low-load (20%1RM) with BFR and high-load (80% 1RM) without BFR.
• Serum growth hormone was measured every 10 minutes throughout a 150- minute testing session i.e. 30 minutes prior to and 120 minutes following the exercises.
• The results revealed a significant increase in circulating growth hormone in both groups for young men, but the young BFR group showed an even greater increase in growth hormone compared to the high-load group.
• Take-away: Even a single-joint exercise performed with BFR can elicit a substantial systemic rise in circulating growth hormone, above that of even traditional high-load exercise.